The most common words in song titles
Ever wonder what words show up most often in song titles? Anyone? Well, I did. And Discogs has a database of over 156 million song, so I put together a couple Node.js scripts in search of some answers!
Amazing illustrations from La Vie Électrique
There are some awesome illustrations in the 1890 sci-fi novel "Le Vingtième siècle. La vie électrique ("The Twentieth Century. The Electric Life") by Albert Robida.
Safe hostnames and IP addresses for examples
Scenario: you’re writing up some documentation for your HTTP library. You’ve been working on it for hours, and it is getting mind-numbingly boring. You need to provide some examples of fetching by hostname and IP address. No problem:
On "Strong Opinions"
"Strong opinions, loosely held" doesn't resonate with me like it once did.
The Condor Cluster
I’m fascinated by the Condor Cluster, a US Air Force supercomputer made from 1,760 PlayStation 3s.