Who can say what is good or bad?

Once, a wise old Java programmer was assigned to a new project, using a new front-end framework called React. “What poor fortune!” cried his coworkers. “Now you must chase this latest JavaScript fad!” The wise old programmer simply shrugged, and said “Who can say what is good or bad?”

React’s popularity grew, and the new project showed tremendous promise. “What great fortune!” cried his coworkers. “This will look great on your LinkedIn profile!” The wise old programmer simply shrugged, and said “Who can say what is good or bad?”

Months passed, and the wise old programmer was reassigned to support the legacy Java system. “What poor fortune!” cried his coworkers. “Your skills will grow stale, your LinkedIn profile will wither!” The wise old programmer simply shrugged, and said “Who can say what is good or bad?”

More months passed; due to poor market research, the React project was cancelled, and the project team was laid off. “What great fortune!” cried his coworkers. “You avoided the React team layoffs!” The wise old programmer simply shrugged, and said “Who can say what is good or bad?”

A programmer’s twist on an old parable in the Taoist tradition.